"Who is she that comes forth as the morning rising, fair as the moon, bright as the sun, terrible as an army set in battle array?" - Song of Songs 6:10
7. The Legionary and the Holy Trinity (pg. 41 – pg. 43) After reading the handbook chapter 7 on the legionary and the Holy Trinity, my thought was attracted by the question of “what is the Holy Trinity and what does it have to do with the legion of Mary”?
As everybody knows the Holy Trinity is the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. But what are they?
Most of the time, we would say that this is a very profound truth but hard to explain. Some have used St. Augustine’s story of a child at the beach who wanted to put the whole ocean into a small hole he had dug by hand to describe how impossible it is to understand the manifestation of God in the Holy Trinity. Yet it is our blessing, assuredly by divine enlightenment alone, to know that the Holy Trinity, for the first time in the world, has been revealed to Our Lady during the annunciation. When the angel Gabriel said to her, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. Therefore the child to be born will be called holy, the Son of God. Chapter 7 starts with several significances of the relationship between the Holy Spirit and the legion of Mary. The first significance is that the first corporate act of the Legion of Mary was to address itself to the Holy Spirit by his Invocation and Prayer, then proceeding by the rosary to Mary and her Son. Followed by the significance of design of the vexillum, and later, when the Tessera picture was painted, and even when the Legion Promise was composed, that it is directed to the Holy Spirit and not to the Queen of the Legion.
With all the significances with the Holy Spirit we have read in chapter 7, there is another significance I would like to draw our attention to. For each one of us the Holy Spirit of God is the one who responds to our belief and faith. To believe and have faith is a mystery. Why is it that some brothers and sisters who grew up in the same family will believe but some don’t? Why did a person like me who used to slam and laugh at people who believed suddenly changed and accepted Jesus Christ? St. Paul tells us that this is the work of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit urges us to acclaim "Abba, Father" and recognize that "Jesus is the Lord."
My dear sisters and brothers, the contemplation of Mary’s different relationships to the Divine Persons not only helps us to distinguish between the Three but also helps us follow our Lady and live in the mystery of the Holy Trinity.